Comparison Between Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo + Juliet – Poster Annotations
This movie poster portrays Romeo + Juliet as a film about the clash between romantic love and familial love. This movie is based heavily on the drama genre, much more so than Luhrmann’s original poster. The two “loves” collide with each other as a result of the romance between Romeo and Juliet. As each love grows deeper, the characters and their relationships, particularly with family and family enemies, are tested and developed. The film is targeted to both male and female audiences, and mainly towards teenagers and young adults. Romantic images and themes on the poster appeal to female audiences, whereas male appeal lies in images of danger and conflict. Dramatic, romantic and violent themes appeal to teenage and younger adult audiences. …show more content…

The glowing sun above them empowers their love. Romeo and Juliet are centralised on this poster, emphasising the strength and importance of their love. However, Romeo and Juliet are ‘split’ in between the two halves of the heart, symbolising a potential barrier between them. Romeo and Juliet’s kiss is indeed the first image recognised by an audience. Afterwards, viewers see the conflict beneath Romeo and Juliet. The poster darkens as it goes down, guiding the audience from top to bottom. The bright lighting emphasises the peacefulness between Romeo and Juliet, whereas the darker lighting on the bottom symbolise danger and hints at death. The juxtaposition between bright and dark themes and the vector guiding viewers between them contributes to the drama genre by suggesting discord. Romeo and Juliet’s love is symbolised by a heart – the heart bleeds at its end, and the dark red blood drops symbolise malice, anger, and a life-threatening scenario. In this way, their love is portrayed as the provocation for the familial conflict. Tybalt and Benvolio are positioned beneath these drops of blood, emphasising that the conflict is indeed between families. Their body

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