Comparison And Contrast Between Poetry And Limricks Poem

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For this essay I will be writing about task one. In task one you are supposed to write a essay in which you compare and contrast either a narrative, haiku, limericks, or a free verse poem. I will be comparing and contrasting between a limerick poem and a haiku poem. In a limerick poem, the poem is “humorous, rhyming five-line poems with a specific rhythm pattern and rhyme scheme.” An example of a limerick poem is, “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout would Not Take the Garbage out.” The ends of each sentences for the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme, while the third and forth lines have a different rhyme. The first, second, and fifth sentence usually have the same amount of syllables, typically 8 or 9 syllables per line. Limerick poems often have lessons in them, that are taught with humor and jokes. Some examples of famous limerick poems are “Hickory Dickory Dock” and, “ The Man From Nantucket.” A haiku is a three-line Japanese form that describes something in nature. The first and third lines each have five syllables, and the second line has seven syllables. A haiku is a mood poem and doesn’t use any metaphors and similes. The five syllables in the first and last lines and the seven syllables in the second line usually talk about the seasons or a naturalistic theme. In a haiku the poem very rarely rhymes, but usually focuses on a …show more content…

The first, second, and fifth sentence usually have the same amount of syllables, typically 8 or 9 syllables per line. Limerick poems often have lessons in them, that are taught with humor and jokes. Some examples of famous limerick poems are “Hickory Dickory Dock” and, “ The Man From

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