Raven And Sonnet Xix

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Poetry can be so amicable, benevolent, or consternate, but it all depends on the writers. Shakespeare has been famous for years and started our vast creativity of poetry, but Poe, an amazing poetry writer, created cool petrifying poems. The poems started in older times, but are still well know and giving there readers a sense of emotion. When analyzing these authentic poems The Raven and Tell Tale Heart by Poe, and Shakespeare's Sonnet XIX one can decipher their rhyme schemes, organization, and mood.
To begin, one can scrutinize The Raven and Tell Tale Heart by Poe, and Shakespeare's Sonnet XIX rhyme schemes, and list the similarities and differences of these three inspiring poems. One can agree that they all find a way to make their poems fluent by adding rhymes, but Poe puts in rhyming words all throughout his poems. For example, in sonnet XIX the rhyme scheme is usually every other line rhymes (abab). One may argue that sonnet XIX has more rhymes in it than the end rhymes, but there is still a pattern of rhymes going on throughout the poem. “Devouring Time, blunt thou the lion's paws, And make the earth devour her own sweet brood; Pluck the keen teeth from the fierce tiger's jaws, And burn the long-lived phoenix in her blood;” (Shakespeare). When listing the similarities and differences of these poems you can see how the writers rhyme schemes …show more content…

“The Raven” is almost like a short story unlike “Tell Tale Heart” which is like a story book. On the hand, sonnet XIX is 14 lines, and it contains three quatrains and one couplet. One may argue that “Tell Tale Heart” is not long; however, it is a lot longer than most poems. It was the old man’s eye amongst his pallid face that made the man do nefarious things, but they drove him mad and he became

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