Comparing the Personalities of the Writers, Dante and Chaucer

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Even though Dante and Chaucer never met, Dante having died 19 years before Chaucer was born, Dante inadvertently became Chaucer’s life long mentor. Dante’s severe spirit turned out to be far more harsh than Chaucer’s nature, however Dante’s protégé, Boccaccio, became one of Chaucer’s greatest inspirations. Looking back at both Dante and Chaucer’s works, experts now see striking similarities in their writing. Whether Chaucer ever meant to use Dante’s materials or not, he is now closely compared with his contrary counter part. The original purpose of this paper was to tell how closely related Chaucer’s writing was to Dante’s, however, a closer look at the man, the better the picture is that shows the blatant contrasts between these two literary giants.

Dante was a man with a vision. He lived in a world that was “Torn by discord” (Limentani,117). Born in 1265, Dante’s Florence was the center of a war ravaged Italy. He became involved in politics at a young age and before too long became a White Guelph, one who supported the Papacy in the fight against invading Germanic kings. 1301 w...

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