Dante And Dante: The Story Of Dante's Inferno

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Dante’s Inferno, set up of hell is created by is created by Dante himself which allows him to designate where in hell each sinner falls into. With that power, Dante places all the inhabitants in regards to his judgement, as he acts as a proxy of god. The second circle of hell in the Inferno, is inhabited by the individuals which commit a sin of incontinence. Two individuals that we find in this circle are, Francesca and Paolo, lustful lovers that are given the opportunity to tell their story to Dante the pilgrim. The story of Francesca and Paolo compel Dante the pilgrim but this allows us to see how the pilgrim differentiates from Dante the poet. The pilgrim, hears out Francesca’s story in which she describes the dissatisfaction with her previous marriage to Giancotto and how all that changed when she encountered when she met Paolo. After Francesca shares her story with the pilgrim, he responds to them both, “Francesca, your afflictions move me to tears of sorrow and of pity” (Inf. 5. 116-117). It …show more content…

5. 118-120). The pilgrim takes it a step forward from feeling compassionate towards Francesca, he wants to dig deeper into the why it happened. Except now it seems that his tone of voice has changed, “but tell me” sounds direct and objective. He does this as he is now questioning her actions and uses “gentle sighs” to mark the event as unfortunate. I feel that he decides to take this approach in talking to her, to seek answers for himself. Dante is longing himself and he wants to see if his feelings are justified (towards Beatrice) based on the feelings Francesca had toward Pablo. By using the word “still” he acknowledges the eternity of this desire for more than just love towards one person, saying once you cross that line, and cross over into a sexual desire than you cannot come back from

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