Comparing Women In The Great Gatsby And Of Mice And Men

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Hollywood producers, writers, U.S. representatives and senators, actors, and even television show hosts. What do they all have in common? These men have all been accused of sexual misconduct, and “have since been fired or forced to resign” (Almukhtar). An article called “After Weinstein: 45 Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct and Their Fall From Power” by Sarah Almukhtar portrays the accusations and fallouts many influential men have faced due to sexual misconduct and disrespect towards women. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck both provide examples of how women were abused by men. In today’s world women are often disrespected and mistreated by men, which can be seen in The Great Gatsby and Of Mice and Men. Curley from Of Mice and Men, and Tom Buchanan and George Wilson from The Great Gatsby show no respect for their wives. In the beginning of the book, we learn that Tom is abusive …show more content…

Daisy’s knuckle “was black and blue”, and she says that it was Tom who had done it (Fitzgerald 12). Not only is Tom abusive to Daisy, but he also mistreats Myrtle. Firstly, he disrespects Daisy by cheating on her with multiple women, including Myrtle (Fitzgerald 15). But Tom doesn’t even respect the women he is cheating with. For example, Tom injures Myrtle Wilson, one of the women who he is cheating on Daisy with (Fitzgerald 37). And Myrtle’s husband, George, mistreats her towards the end of the book too. At the beginning, he seems to be an obedient husband, but when he learns Myrtle has been cheating, he locks her up in a room and is going to take her away from where they live, whether she wants to or not (Fitzgerald 136). Arguably, Curley from Of

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