Tabloid And Newspaper Comparison Essay

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Comparing Tabloid and Broadsheet Newspapers

In the last century, English newspapers have been categorized into two main groups: Tabloids and Broadsheets. The Telegraph and The sun are the most popular Tabloids and Broadsheets. Hollinger International owns the Telegraph while the media tycoon Rupert Murdoch owns the Sun, The Times and The BSkyB Television network. These papers are perfect examples of British newspapers. They both support the Conservative Party, although The Sun does tend to sway, but always comes back to The Tories point of view. Even though they share the same political view. They have very different layout and content.

One of the first differences a reader notices about these two …show more content…

The Sun on the other hand is much more visually orientated, as it has pictures covering almost two thirds of the page, with the photographs themselves regularly telling the

story. Compare that with The Telegraphs one fifths worth of the front page devoted to images, plus The Telegraph is twice the size of the tabloid and is much more a text-based newspaper.

These two newspapers have considerably different reading age. The Sun’s being just over six and half as compare that with The Telegraph’s, which is sixteen; There is just under a decade different. This is not by accident. This is because they have very different target audience. The Sun’s target audience is generally working class. This is because The Sun contains a lot of sport and photographs of semi-naked women. These all contribute to the newspapers target audience. The Telegraph’s target audience is quite different from The Sun’s. The Telegraph’s content differs from The Sun’s, as it has it almost sixteen times as much business news and information than …show more content…

The layout of the front page also explains a lot about the general content of the paper. For example in The Sun the front page is about one main story and a big photograph takes up the space advertising one other story. The Sun’s Masthead is very prominent and makes the paper recognisable contains the price, date and the website. The front page of The Sun is sexually oriented as an example there are two very beautiful, scantly dressed women to catch the eye of the men. The Telegraph’s front page is quite different but some similarities do exist. An example of this is that the name of the “The Telegraph” is very bold and has several superlative statements like ”Read a bestseller every day” and “Britain’s best-selling quality daily”, all these statements are actually true. The Telegraph has 10 different stories on the front page, which indicates that it has a variety to offer a wide scale of people. It also has a general index of the paper and an advertisement for Ryan-Air Aeroplane Company.

On the subject of advertising The Sun has many more pages dedicates

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