Comparing Lady Macbeth And Hillary Clinton

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Lady Macbeth is a strong, determined character from the play Macbeth. Today many people see Lady Macbeth in 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton and lady Macbeth share a lot of similar characteristics, but the main one is their obsession with power. There is power in titles. Both Hillary and Lady Macbeth got their main titles from their husbands. Lady Macbeth’s status rose as her husband’s status did, this goes the same for Hillary.
Even though Hillary did many things before being the first lady, she wasn't in the spotlight as much until her husband, Bill Clinton, took presidency. Both women were very manipulative to their husbands. Lady Macbeth did everything in her power to make her husband king. Her main strategy
Then when the 2016 election came along,
Obama gladly supported her, and she was very grateful.
Her views on gay marriage also changed this year’s election. Over a decade ago, she was against gay marriage. In 2000 at a conference in White Plains Hillary said, “Marriage has got historic, religious and moral content that goes back to the beginning of time, and I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman. But I also believe that people in committed gay marriages, as they believe them to be, should be given rights under the law that recognize and respect their relationship." (Sherman, 1) Fast forward 13 years, gay marriage has gained a lot more acceptance and acknowledgment. So now Hillary is getting ready to run for president a second time and makes a video about how she now fully supports gay marriage. In the video she states:
LGBT Americans are our colleagues, our teachers, our soldiers, our friends, our loved ones. And they are full and equal citizens, and they deserve the rights of citizenship. That includes marriage. That’s why I support marriage for lesbian and gay couples. I support

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