Comparing Heart Of Darkness And Things Fall Apart

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In both, The Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad, and Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe, there is the theme of double consciousness. Double Consciousness is when a person puts themselves into another person’s perspective. The Africans in Things Fall Apart and The Heart of Darkness find the Europeans suspicious, leading the Africans to reject their potential help.
In Things Fall Apart, white Christians come into Africa trying to convince the natives to convert to Christianity. Okonkwo’s son Nwoye uses double consciousness when he wants to convert, because he is afraid of what his father might say. When the Christians arrive, the narrator says “Nwoye had been attracted to the new faith from the very first day, he kept it secret. He dared not go too near the missionaries for fear of his father” (149). Even though Nwoye was interested in the new religion, the double consciousness of his father stopped him from doing what he actually wanted. Nwoye thought about Okonkwo whenever he thought about converting because of the rage and disappointment he saw in his earlier life. Nwoye did not want to disappoint his father therefore believing that this new religion was the wrong choice despite what he felt in his heart. …show more content…

The Africans decided to throw sticks at the European white men, leading to random shooting, potentially killing hundreds of natives. Marlow was not expecting this so he says “sticks, little sticks were flying about… We were being shot at” (40). They were having little sticks thrown at them while they shot at the jungle. Marlow does not understand that the Africans were trying to protect their land, and expects them to think in the perspective of the Europeans. On the boat, the men shooting only see trees and no people. This shows that the Africans have no trust for the Europeans even if they were just sailing through and

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