Comparing Glaspell's Trifles And Jury Of Her Peers

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Unit 8 Essay Homographs mean when it the same word but different meaning; these two books are just the like that but in a story mode. The book Trifles starts off rushed feeling , let’s get to the point, with little detail. While the book ‘Jury of the Peer’ is more melo, takes you through the emotion, with much more detail. Even though the two books are the same story their point of view and how the story make you feel is tremendously different. Point of view matters because it’s the perceptive of one or many character in the story. The short story ‘Jury of her Peer’ point of view is third limited; meaning your in the mind of on character. ‘Jury of her Peer’ is limited to Mrs.Hale thoughts and feeling on the situation in the story. When the county attorney (CA) took out his pencil “Mrs.Hale did not like the sight of that pencil” (3). The short story is more about how Mrs.Hale feel about the situation. When they told you “with all Mrs.Hale’s other emotions came the fear now that maybe Harry wasn’t dressed warm enough--,”(2) they gave you her feeling and no more eles. The Trifles point of view is third objective meaning it uses he, she, they, it pronouns, but describes things from a very objective. For an example, when it describes …show more content…

One thing they have in common is that the author had you guessing on who murder Mr.Wright. She keep the mystery theme in the story and didn’t change up on the type of theme on of the books was going to be. Second thing they have in common is that there is no added or absent character from both stories. They keeped all the same characters to play the same role and not interfere with how the story's played out. The last thing they have in common is that they still have some of the same quotes. When Mrs.Hale said “i knew John Wright.” both of the stories said the same

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