Comparing Colonialism In Lumumba And Things Fall Apart

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In regards to the Raoul Peck’s 2000 film Lumumba, the movie invoked numerous emotional reactions from me while I was watching it and that was thanks to the acting and depiction of Patrice Lumumba. The movie covered numerous issues that we have discussed in class in terms of the impact that colonialism has on the continent and also within the population, which it governs. To understand the impact of colonialism, which is in part, can be tied to the arc of the class, understanding and discussing the similarities and difference between the historical/ fictional characters of Patrice Lumumba depicted in Raoul Peck’s movie and Okonkwo from Chinua Achebe’s 1958 novel Things Fall Apart would help put things into context. In order to fully understand this character to some extent and also understand their similarities and differences, we have to understand the condition in which colonialism penetrated their lives and also impacted it. Although slavery and exploration of Africa happened before colonialism, the direct contact with the natives did not start until the abolishment of slavery (Slave trade) and the legitimate trade in the 19th century. The legitimate trade and also the abolishment fueled colonialism in the sense that this both movements arose from both ideological and economical reasons. In terms of …show more content…

When it came time to handing back power, it was easier for the British to do but difficult for the Belgium because Belgium had settlers from different class migrate and live in Congo and they were all treated with superiority compared to the other population and with that, the Belgium’s had no intention of going back or relinquishing power. While British used indirect rulership on its colonies Belgium used direct rulership, which leads to the Congo

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