Comparing Animal Farm And The Russian Revolution

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Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a socialist revolution that occurred because of accumulated tensions within Russian society, economic and governmental issues, and an unsupportive tsar. In the years leading up to the Russian Revolution, there was a succession of four wars, one being World War I, which resulted in an increased requirement of tax dollars and manpower to finance Russia’s defeat in all of the four wars (Fernholz). The people became very discontent and felt they could no longer rely on Tsar Nicholas II, which caused him to resign. The plethora of unhappy people led to a massive social upheaval. A Provisional Government took charge but was unsuccessful in finding a resolution; thus, Vladimir Lenin took charge (Strayer). Lenin was a strong supporter …show more content…

Old Major, a Middle White Boar, expressed his ideas of a socialist revolution in order to gain and reinforce rights for animals that work long, laborious days. He based his ideas off of seven commandments that would later be known as Animalism. His wish was for the animals to fulfill his dream of a revolution after his death. Once Old Major passes away, Napoleon, who portrays Joseph Stalin, takes charge with the assistance of a few other pigs, and the animals begin making secret preparations to carry out the rebellion Old Major had envisioned. The event came sooner than they predicted, but was fought with reason. Mr. Jones, the farmer who represents Tsar Nicholas II, had been neglecting the animals more often than usual and the animals became extremely fed up and thus fought back. After the fight, things escalate as Napoleon and his pigs become more egotistical. The work becomes much more intense and reflects how things were before the revolution. Conditions essentially return to how they were before, seeing as Napoleon is only concerned with

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