Compare And Contrast Western And Western Parenting

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Parents are the most important teachers in their children’s lives. Children learn most of their moral values from their parents. Because parents are the first agent of a child 's development, children automatically imitate what they learn at home, they never forget. You can be sure that they will pass it on to their children as well. Therefore, parenting is not just important but essential. Good parenting on behalf of the parents will in turn ensure a better society as a whole. Eastern and Western parents have a completely opposite approach in parenting styles. Asians parents are tend to be stereotype as authoritarian and have extremely high expectations when it comes to academic achievements and extracurricular activities like playing the piano or violin. An Asian student may be scolded by a parent for receiving a grade lower than an A, while a western student might be praised for getting a B, an above average grade. Is it wrong to punish a child for not being successful, or is it wrong to be lenient and have low expectations for a child? Both Chinese-style and Western-style parents want their children to be successful, but approach this goal in different ways due to variations in the definition of success and the culturally relative assumptions about the nature of relationships …show more content…

This contrast can be seen through their views on the idea of perfectionism, the issue of self-esteem, and the matter of a child 's gratitude towards their parents. Hanna Rosin believes finding happiness is the true definition of success; having a modestly successful child is better than “unhappy,” “egoistic-high achiever.” Amy Chua on the other hand, believes that arming their children with confidence, work habits and exceptional skills, is the best way they can prepare and protect their children into the

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