Compare And Contrast Traveling Through The Light And Do Not Go Gentle

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Poetry is an integral facet of literature that encapsulates the writer’s thinking into a fine design of words that aims at capturing the reader’s attention. Poets are known to choose their words very carefully and the reader must venture into the writer’s world that involves visual images, figures of speech, symbolism and themes in order to get a glimpse of the message. This study will primarily attest to this fact by carrying out an explicit analysis on two famous poems; ‘Travelling through the dark’ by William Stafford and ‘Do not go gentle’ by Dylan Thomas, with the aim of unearthing some of the speech components that have been used in both poems. The visual images identified in both poems and the senses that have been stimulated by the …show more content…

The Figures of Speech used in both poems The tail-light used in the poem ‘Travelling through the dark’ is a simile that is used to describe the light at the back of the car. “She was large in the belly” is also another figure of speech that is used to show how big the belly of the deer was. “Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay” is another figure of speech used in the poem “Do not go gentle”, meaning that their bad deeds might have dominated the green bay. “Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight” is another figure of speech used in this poem meaning that they perfectly timed the sun when was shining brightly. “Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gays” involves both a similes and a metaphor (Benoit, 2010). “Blind eyes could blaze like meteors” is a simile which shows that the blaze of the eyes could only be compared to that of a meteor. On the other hand the phrase “and be gay” is a metaphor that is used to signify the similarity or resemblance of the eyes blaze and the meteor. The symbols used in each …show more content…

The first poem “Travelling through the dark” for instance, is sad since the writer could not save the deer and let it die under his watch. The second poem is also gloomy to a large extent since it talks about the rage of death due to the frail deeds of wild men. The main message of each poem The main theme in the poem “Travelling through the dark”, is the nature of death since it depicts the moral dilemma that is faced by the poet when he is deciding on whether to save the deer or not and later decides to let it die. This theme depicts the sadness that results from this sort of moral dilemma as it also leaves the reader sad after reading the poem. The second poem on the other hand debits the close relation between depravity and darkness because the writer asserts that despite the wise men acknowledging that dark is right, it is not gentle in every good night which basically means that not everything goes right on the good night. The nature of rhythms, rhyme schemes and musicality in both

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