Compare And Contrast The Stanford Prison Experiment

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Stanford Prison Experiment
In August of 1971, Stanford began an experiment on 21 middle-class males in the basement of a Stanford Psychology building trying to determine how good people adapt to different roles. The two different roles that were assigned were that of a guard and that of a prisoner. As me being a female being put in the situation that the male prisoners went through I would not be able to handle it. If a police officer showed up at my house without warning me and taking me to the police station I would have a complete panic attack. You have to be strong to go through an experiment like that. Yes, I like to believe that I am a strong independent woman, but I would never be able to live in a prison cell with two other prison mates.
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soldiers abused Iraqi prisoners held at Abu Ghraib, 20 miles west of Baghdad. The prisoners were stripped, made to wear bags over their heads, and sexually humiliated while the guards laughed and took photographs. This situation has a lot in common with the Stanford Prison Experiment. In both situations they’re very similar. For the prisoners at the Stanford Prison experiment to even use the bathroom they had to be blindfolded so they could not find any escape routes and know the way out. There was a hole in the wall at then end of the “court yard” that held a video recorder which would video tape everything that was going on. Including the pornographic and emotional abuse of the prisoners. There was also a rumored escape that a guard overheard the prisoners talking about. They roped their prisoners together and put bags over their heads and walked them all to a small room until the suspected people to break them out showed up. In the end it was all just a rumor. No one came to save the prisoners. The way that the guards fought back was making the prisoners do unethical and repulsive tasks. Their disgusting tasks ended up going as far as making the prisoners scrub the toilets with their own

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