Prisoners of War

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Prisoners of War

What has our society classified as a prisoner of war? A prisoner of war is someone who is a member of regular or irregular armed forces of a nation at war held by the enemy. After two years of war with the Middle East our society wonders what happens to the prisoners in jail. The other conflicts of prisoners of war is how they are treated in jail, also what did they do to be detained as a prisoner of war? In most situations, there is a legitimate reason why these people are taken captive. So many might ask what is happening to the Iraqis detained under Coalition forces custody, and do the prisons comply with standards set fourth in the Geneva Conventions? This subject is very controversial to the U.S and other nations. The controversial part of this subject is the alleged abuse of prisoners in jail in custody of U.S soldiers. There are many cases of prisoners dying in prison but is it because of abuse by American soldiers. This subject of abuse upon prisoners of war has reach all over the world especially to the United States. Our president George W. Bush, along with Congress, has arranged investigations on the events that happen inside the prisons. He has addressed to the nation that such things have not occurred, but what a U.S soldier knows may be a little different. This kind of action toward prisoners of war is illegal according to US law, which is dictated by the Geneva Conventions. If a soldier is found guilty of abuse, or other forms of mistreatment, that soldier will be recommended for court-martial. The other issue about this subject is that there are so many different opinions on this matter. One opinion is that U.S personnel really did cause the death of many prisoners of war. The other question i...

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... Like Friedman, Most of media only broadcast the scandalous abuse and imprint us the distorted information. In fact, we have to accept that there were the abuses in the prisons and should not forget disasters. I believe that most of the soldiers have not abused Iraqi and Afghan. Because of only a few of vicious American, it is fair and a pity that all American soldiers are accused of the abuse. Though the abuse was not only one reason, it is fact that the abuse did exist in the jail and damaged the credibility and loyalty of America. The death in the prison is so miserable that I hope that the abuse will not happen again and any prisoners will not die in the jail. This grievous mistake should not be repeated anymore. As I mention, causes of deaths of the prisoners are not only the abuse by American soldiers, but also the other reasons such as diseases or accidents.

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