Compare And Contrast Spain And Spanish Colonization

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Comparing British & Spanish Colonization People do things different than each other. Whether it be for the best, or worst. North America used to be a vast land with many natives doing their own thing, until people started colonization and making their lives out there. Spain and Britain have many differences when it comes to their settlements including the way that Spain settled, the way that Britain settled, and their success rate in the New World. Spain first came to North America in 1492 when Columbus’ voyage around the world took place. Spanish conquistadors had one mindset: Gold, God, & Glory. Conquistadors, like Pizarro & Cortes, came to America in search of fortunes, enslaving people to do so. They came on their own and occasionally married locals, which started a whole different social class. King Charles I of Spain required that Christian missionaries accompany the expeditions to the New World. The missionaries would work on converting the natives to Catholicism and become loyal Spanish subjects. Originally, the Spanish relied on the Encomienda System to build up their lives. This was a grant from the King allowing the settlers to demand labor and feudal dues from natives. Some would argue that without using forced labor against the natives, the system would fail. Natives …show more content…

Spain was in search of wealth and fame, while Britain was searching for a more life benefiting home. Apart from the clear differences, there were some similarities. Both wanted to expand their mercantilism in the New World, which ended in abuse of the natives. That caused many disruptions and disputes between colonists and natives. In 1763, New England took over all of North America, later returning Florida, Spanish property, to Spain in 1783. Even though Spain had about 100-year head start, their concentration on the wealth and fortune caused their system to fall rapidly. English colonized much more successfully and

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