Depression in 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' and 'Cyberbully'

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Movie Analysis
Depression is a serious condition within you that makes people feel extremely sad, hopeless, and lonely. Also not being able to live at the person 's full potential. In the novel Perks of Being a Wallflower and the movie Cyberbully the main characters’ depression greatly impacts their ability to trust people and get to know others. Their similarities are seen throughout being a social outcast, trusting your friends, and being suicidal. In the novel Charlie has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder which makes him remember back to when he was sexually abused by his Aunt Helen when he was a kid. Being a social outcast leads into depression because it makes you feel like nobody really wants to be apart of your life. It makes you realize …show more content…

Suicide is when someone is so sad that most of the time people would not have any idea someone is actually depressed. In the scene from the movie Cyberbully Taylor was so sad that everyone at her school hated her for no reason so one day someone set her off and she came home and tried to pop pills to take her pain away. In the novel on page 208 “I was completely naked, just watching the television, which wasn 't on.” explaining how he just went blank while not really in the right state of mind. Charlie was having flashbacks again about when his aunt would do things to him and he would black out. He went into shock just thinking about the awful things.
Depression can lead someone to taking a wrong turn and really hurting themselves in the long wrong emotionally or physically. In the novel Perks of Being a Wallflower and the movie Cyberbully the main characters’ problems really changed the way the main characters dealt with their problems head on. Now you can see the similarities throughout being a social outcast, trusting your friends, and being suicidal were shown in the paragraph above. Never hurt someone or their feelings so far into them being so sad they don 't want to come out of their house or go to

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