Compare And Contrast Mass Effect On Andromeda

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The entertainment industry constantly changes, as the pioneers of technology and storytelling propel it forwards. Most of us, however, are unaware of the magnitude of hard work and skill required to create the TV shows, films, video games and music that we enjoy. This is especially true for television and video games, which often have mammoth development and production teams. Taking two disparate examples; Bioware’s video game, Mass Effect: Andromeda and Hulu’s television series The Handmaid’s Tale, we see at once that what these works have in common is the magnitude of creative talent behind them. Mass Effect: Andromeda’s early stages of development began in 2012; the initial concepts pioneered by creative director Mac Walters and lead writers John Dombrow, Cathleen Rootsaert and Chris Schlerf (Petitte, 2018). After the initial concept was formed, a pitch document was created - then a full concept document. This document outlined the crucial details - the genre, description of gameplay, storyarc, target audience, platforms, estimated schedule and team requirements (Bates, 2004). From here the game moves into production, overseen by the Creative Director Mac Walters and Producers Fabrice Condominas, Mike Gamble and Fernando Melo. Mass Effect: Andromeda utilised …show more content…

An online, immersive, mock-training program was created specifically for the ‘Andromeda Initiative’ - fans and prospective buyers could then listen to recruitment pitches to understand what the in-game Initiative was, read the history of the Mass Effect universe if they hadn’t played the original series and watch mission briefings to see the type of gameplay the would be included (Bioware, 2018). BioWare also chose a small group of lucky ‘initiative recruits’ to take part in an astronaut training experience at the European Astronaut Centre (Mass Effect Official Website,

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