Compare And Contrast Jeffery And Harris

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During the 19th century (1800s) there were hundreds of thousands to even millions of slaves spread across the entire south. Two of these went by the names of Jeffery and Harris. Jeffery very badly wanted to spend the rest of his life with Dorcas, the love of his life, whether he was a slave or not. Harris just wanted to escape. Though they never met each other, if they had they would have realized how much they had in common, while also noticing what made them different. They both had much in common with each other. For example, they were both slaves. Even though they were both slaves, it did not keep them from having from an ample amount of determination, as they were both willing to chase their dreams, and work toward what they wanted. Both of them were risk takers. I say this because they worked toward what they wanted at the risk of being beaten or even killed. An example of Jeffery´s risk is talking to his new owner, and telling him who to buy at the slave auction. Slaves could be severely punished for acts like that. Another thing the two slaves had in common is that they were both extraordinarily brave. An example of why and how they were brave was how Harris escaped from his plantation. Though he was successful in his escape, had he failed and been captured by his master he would have possibly been severely punished, or even killed once back on the plantation. …show more content…

Their goals in life were not even close to similar. Jeffery wanted to be with Dorcas. On the other hand, Harris wanted to escape the life of a slave and live life as a free man. Their personalities also differed from one another. Jeffery could best be explained as loyal, as he did not care if he had to stay a slave in order to be with Dorcas. Harris, however, was very rebellious and wanted to escape his plantation no matter the cost of the people around

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