Compare And Contrast Hunger Games And Star Wars

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Hunger Games, Hobbit, and Star Wars are alike when it comes to the hero's journey. But there are also differences in these stories when comparing them to the hero's journey. The four parts in the hero's journey were there are differences and similarities is test / allies / enemies, mentor, approach, and the ordinary world.

The test allies and enemies part in these stories are in some way similar. In the hunger games and star wars and hobbit they kill their enemies to defeat them. In star wars they blow up the death star. In hunger games katniss and peeta kill cato to win the games. It's a little different in the hobbit but the dragon gets killed by bard who was not on the quest to get the treasure. the differences in these books is …show more content…

The similarities between these three books for the mentor is all the mentors are wise. In hunger games haymitch has been in the hunger games so he has wise information to offer to peeta and katniss. In star wars obi wan kenobi is a master jedi and knows a lot of the empire’s weakness. So he can teach luke the weakness of the empire. And in the hobbit gandalf knows part o the path theri taking to the lonely mountain. So he knows what their going to run into so then he can prepare bilbo and the team. The differences between these books is that the mentors have their own strategies. Gandalf gives suggestions and tells bilbo that he has to lead the team. In star wars obi teaches luke the weakness of the empire so luke can be a good jedi. In hunger games haymitch teaches peeta and katniss how to act at the capital and what to say. so they have more sponsors so they more a chance of winning the hunger …show more content…

The similarities are the main characters hold back. In the hunger games katniss stays up in the trees and wait for the carers to come then she kills them. In star wars han solo was holding luke back from saving the princess. And in the hobbit they were in that hole and occasionally tricking smaug with bilbo and his magic ring. The differences in these books is their strategies worked in different ways. Like in the hunger games katniss strategy worked and she won. In the hobbit the team just lucked out and the dragon was killed before they were spotted in the hole. IN star wars luke almost made it to the spot but the tie fighters were right on his tail then han solo killed them. Before the ty fighters could kill

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