Compare And Contrast Hookups And Hookups

782 Words2 Pages

egan Krachkowski
Writing Assignment 9

Young adults in college typically are not looking for commitment, but rather a positive sexual experience. Two outlets for this preference are friends with benefits (FWB) and hookups. Hookups involve two people engaging in sexual activity with the foreknowledge that there are “no strings attached”. For people who actively avoid commitment, and emotional involvement hookups are preferential. This is because the two can engage in meaningless sex for the sake of pleasure. I remember once reading a New York Times article that calls hookups appealing because they are low cost, low investment engagements. Factors such as the false consensus effect, social media, and the modern collegian attitude influence the …show more content…

Hookups can range in degree of sexual act, but in the college setting, the most common type of hookup ends in sex. This is because individuals have the freedom to be selfish and pursue personal pleasure, whereas in a committed relationship, individuals tend to please their partners rather than themselves. There is also no pressure associated with the sex because there is no commitment and therefore lower expectations. One perk of hooking up is that partners can explore different positions and desires. I myself have never experienced a hookup because I am in a long standing committed …show more content…

Relationships are not convenient for college students, whereas hookups or booty calls are. The lack of emotional connections and commitment are what draws millennials to hookups rather than committed relationships. Although, hookups do have drawbacks as well. For instance, hookups can lead to STIs or even unwanted pregnancy is precautions are not taken. All in all, hookups are becoming more and more popular and are on their way to totally replace intimate relationships in the college

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