Compare And Contrast Farwell To Manzanar

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The war destroyed a family “It can take years to mold a dream. It takes only a fraction of a second for it to be shattered”. (Mary E. Pearson). Farwell to Manzanar written by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James D. Houston is one of the famous books that target how human life take a drastic change through the war the mean character Papa is fifty-years old American Japanese fisher man whose life change for ever when he was arrested by FBI two weeks after Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. He was arrested in terminal Island due to suspicion of the United States government of his of his disloyalty to the United States. His life suddenly changed for the worse he lost everything. Such as, family, job, finances and psychological security. Papa’s family did not know about his whereabouts since his sudden disappearance they found out about his arrested after they received a letter stating about his an arrest. …show more content…

They had lost security of having the man of the household who provided cheater food and safely for his family. They had to make some hard choices. Without Papa it was hard for them to make so many dictions. “He had always decided everything in family with him gone, my brother like councilors in the absence of a chief, worried about should be done”. (Wakatsuki 16). During this time Mama to sell everything and moved her family into hard to live places. They were desperate with no money and food. Mama and Woody went to work packing celery for a Japanese produce Diller there rest of children were enrolled in the local school. They ended up in the camp Manzanar in a small place with no heat in cold winter time, no bathroom and no privacy. Gradually the family lost their string and dignity. After nine month of absents Papa returned to his family. Papa learned quickly that all his belonging and it was a great shock to him. He became and angry man saying in the cubicle all day drinking alcohol, nagging and yelling at

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