Compare And Contrast Buddhism And Christianity

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Buddhism and Christianity, both well known by many, and similar in some ways but different in others. Like all religions, Christianity and Buddhism do have their differences, some differences being minor and some huge. First off, Buddhism is seen as a way of life, a philosophy even, while Christianity is a religion. Christianity is monotheistic believing in one God, while Buddhism is non-theistic believing in no deity or God. While Buddhism is non-theistic, some pray to the Buddha, for enlightenment.
As for the dates and locations of these religions, Christianity developed out of Judaism. Christianity was based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, during his life in the Holy Land. Buddhism was based on the life, teachings, and journeys of Siddhartha Gautama--also known as the Buddha. Siddhartha Gautama was a prince in present day Nepal, he saw suffering outside his palace walls and set out on a path of enlightenment. Today, the ideas of Jesus and the Buddha are known all over the world. Many religions--such as Buddhism and Christianity--go back to The Silk …show more content…

Cultural diffusion is defined as the spatial spread of learned ideas, innovations and attitudes.The Silk Road provided a network of places for the spread of Buddhism and for cultural diffusion to occur. Many countries had different religious beliefs while interacting on the Silk Road. Along with growth of Buddhism, Christianity grew in other places along the Silk Road eventually turning worldwide. The interactions among people and ideas on the Silk Road go back as far as 1BC. Often times Christians and Buddhists explore common themes between the teachings of the Buddha and Jesus. Some Christians are known to believe in both, the teachings of Jesus, and the Buddha. Because of the common themes between the teachings of the Buddha and Jesus, there really has not been any huge conflicts between Buddhists and

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