Compare And Contrast Batman And Beowulf

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A hero is a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. I’ve had a really deep passion for Batman since I was about ten years old and I first discovered superheros. As soon as you walk into my room you are greeted but Avengers and Batman posters from wall to wall and little action figures everywhere. Superheroes risk their lives and put themselves in danger typically attempting to save the lives of others. After reading Beowulf in my British Literature class i’ve pondered a bit and come to the conclusion that Batman and Beowulf are very similar. What exactly is Beowulf about though? It’s about a Scandinavian hero who defeats various different monsters. The most famous of which are Grendel and Grendel’s mother – for the King of the Danes. Beowulf is willing to take on any challenge in order to make a name for himself and he constantly makes things harder than they need to be; he chose to do everything the difficult way. He feels the need to throw his weapons aside and make it a hand-to-hand combat with an invincible demon rather than just traveling the distant land to fight the gruesome monsters with his sharp and deadly weapons. Once he …show more content…

Beowulf never really uses his weapons, he tends to throw them aside when he comes into contact with them. He chooses the difficult way for most of his battles, which usually works out for him. Batman on the other hand uses technology and weapons in almost every single fight, however, he does use hand-to-hand quite often as well. Batman has his Batmobile which contains built in machine guns, flames, and bombs. He has his own lair, which is a dark and quiet cave known as the Batcave where he stores his suit and weapons. Beowulf does not have a secret identity or a suit to protect him from evil. He goes out with the mindset that he could die in his next battle, but he still risks his life

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