Compare And Contrast Amus And Hyborth

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Long, long ago, the sky was empty and Sky god, Hyborth, creator of everything, became lonely. He had two children with the goddess of the stars, Idea.They named one of their sons, Ilius and the other Amus. Ilius was a bright big star similar in shape to his mother, but he was even brighter in the sky. Amus, the younger brother, was very shy and not nearly as bright as his brother Ilius as he was made up of rock. Ilius grew up to be the Sun god, while Amus grew up to be the God of the Moon. Soon after the boys were born, Idea and Hyborth created the Earth and began to fill it with hundred of new animals and plants to live in the water and on the land. The Moon God grew up his life believing that he was only a reflection of his brother’s success. Since, Amus never got as much attention as his older brother, he spent a lot of his time alone in the darkness of the sky or …show more content…

The Sun God accepted, but Amus became very angry because he believed that since he spent more time tending to the water and the plants on Earth that it was his duty to take care of the Earth not Ilius’. Three days later, Idea, their mother also became ill. The magnificent sky god died on the ninth day of his illness holding on to the hand of their mother the goddess of the stars as they both passed away. The care of Hyborth’s sky and all of their creations were at the hand of the Sun God. The Moon God was so angry that he began to throw big rocks down to the Earth, destroying his family’s work. The Sun God tried to stop the pelting of rocks by shining strong rays of light destroying the rocks as they came down. This battle between brothers went on for months as the Moon God, Amus, continued to hit the Earth with rocks and the Sun God, Ilius, shined his light to stop them from ever hitting the creations he so dearly

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