Short Story: Lumina

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Night and Day
Ever wonder why the sun shines in the day and not at night or how night and day even came to be? It happened many, many years ago. Two young gods were trying to decide how to make the world. One wanted it to be square. The other wanted it to be a triangle. They could not seem to agree on anything at all. The young gods were twins, created at the exact same time. One was made by a ball of light that collided with a lone tree on a meteor she was named Lumina. Lumina means light in Romanian, pretty fitting for a god of light! The other god was created when a pitch-black meteor broke through a black hole; he was called Dorcha, which means dark in Irish. These two gods were completely different and could never see eye to eye. …show more content…

She wanted to have a place with little animals that would hop, jump, fly, and run. So she got to work. Lumina made an animal that was small with a fluffy ball for a tail, and long ears, she made this creature out of sand and water. She made an animal that had a pouch on its stomach to carry its babies; it had big feet and a big tail for jumping. This creature was made out of grass and dirt. She made many other animals as well. When Dorcha saw what she was doing, he became very jealous.
Then Dorcha wanted a land for darkness, where it would never be bright, only dark. He wanted the world to be like a triangle. He wanted animals that liked the dark as much as he did so he went to work. He made an animal with eyes and fur as black as the meteor that created the great god using dirt and a cloud. He made an animal with black wings and a screech to talk, out of rocks and water. Dorcha loved his animals and kept them up in the clouds with him; Lumina saw this and loved her animals just as much, keeping them in the clouds with

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