Compare And Contrast America And The New Colossus

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Often depicted as a melting pot, America is always being put on a pedestal by the rest of the world due to the large amounts of successful immigrants in the United States. Millions of people have packed their bags and moved to America in hopes of achieving their dreams. While some succeed, others fail and are let down by the dim reality that not everyone can achieve their goals. This essay will compare the poems, “Let America Be America Again” by Langston Hughes and “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus to exhibit my perspective on both works. Both poems portray people’s hopes that America will be great, however, due to the different eras and the authors’ backgrounds, the poems have different meanings. Lazarus’ poem was written in the early stages of America, as it describes her cheerful …show more content…

Emma Lazarus, a Jewish-American poet, wrote “The New Colossus” in 1883. Her poem was selected out of a competition to be placed on the Statue of Liberty. She depicted the United States as the land of opportunity for all. She even compared the great ancient Greek monument, the Colossus of Rhodes, to the Statue of Liberty and asserted that the Statue of Liberty serves as a constant American symbol, a welcoming, but powerful woman, who provides millions of people safety and saves them from persecution and death. In comparison, Langston Hughes notes America as no longer being the welcoming America of old in the poem “Let America Be America Again”. Throughout Hughes’ poem, he describes his personal opinions towards the America he lives in. He feels like America is not the dreamland people once sought out. Instead, he feels like many Americans feel oppressed and think they can no longer reach their hopes and aspirations. However, he still has hope that one day America will once again be great and redeem itself regardless of his current disappointment with the modern state of

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