Compare And Contrast Active Student And Passive Student

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Education is something that everyone has to do to succeed and one’s attitude towards school is the only way they will succeed. If a student has a negative attitude and is influenced too much by their surroundings it will be much harder for them succeed whereas a student who likes learning and developing their intelligence then it will be a much better experience for the student. The sooner a student realizes the type of student they are the better they will be at helping themselves succeed in school. A person does not have to be one specific type of student but it is best not to just be one way. It is important to be flexible, and adapt to your surroundings. The two types of students are called passive students and active students. In order for a student to get the most out of school they have to be an active student and that is what I would like to strive to do since I did have a few passive student tendencies. An active student strives for the best and does not get put down over their circumstances, and that will help with being a productive student. School will not always be easy and an active student knows how to …show more content…

Nothing can stop me from having a career I want if I keep striving for it unless I let it. A time when I realized that I needed a change is when I missed a lot of school due to challenges and saw that becoming consistent. It was a habit pattern of mine and that is why I like getting up early and avoiding the last minute rush. Improving my mornings has helped tremendously and over all positive thinking has helped too. To keep being an active student consistent I have to find ways to enjoy school, focus on myself and never let anything hold me back. Allow oneself to change if need be and be the best version of oneself. Once a person embraces being a active student they will be able to learn how that can help them become the strongest student they can

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