Community Wellness Meeting Reflection

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On January 27th 2017, I attended a community wellness meeting, where several speakers discussed the new development of affordable housing, an alternative to traditional in-office therapy, and the proposal of a new proposition for at risk of incarceration 18 to 25 year olds. The meeting was open to the public, but mostly county workers and social service members were in attendance; those who had direct involvement with the topics being reviewed. The purpose of the meeting was to view the building plan and layout for the new affordable housing development. One of the key speakers was from Gateway Mountain Center; the speaker and his co-workers work with children up to age 18 and use nature as therapy. The mission of their agency is to focus …show more content…

Yes, I believe the event did achieve its goal. All individuals in attendance learned where the new low-income housing development will be built, the budget and expected costs, eligibility requirements for living in the development, and people could ask questions and voice any possible concerns they had. The supervisor of Gateway Mountain Center shared his techniques and findings associated with using the wilderness as therapy, and how beneficial it has been to children with extreme behavioral problems. The members in charge of the proposition proposal were there to learn if residents of Placer County felt the community needed more resources for the at-risk age group, and if yes, which resources were needed the most. A survey was distributed so that those who attended the meeting could rank the resources and programs based on what we felt were most needed or most important. Some of the items on the survey included: peer mentorship programs, education classes, job trainings, and substance abuse

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