Community Revitalization Partnership (CRP)

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Program Being Proposed As discussed on my last mini paper the issue that has been identified is attendance and lateness. Many of the children in PS40Q are coming in to school late or not showing up at all. The Community Revitalization Partnership (CRP) program should come together with the principal and the faculty to come up with a program that tackles this issue. The program would be called Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow and involves the participation of both the parents and students of the school community. Population That Will Benefit From This Program This program would be beneficial to many people in the school community. It would benefit the students, the teachers, the parents, and the school in general. “Lateness and …show more content…

An individual is eligible to obtain conditional permanent resident (CPR) status for up to eight years, which includes work authorization, if the person:15-20 parents will learn the importance of attendance and lateness. The students will also learn the importance of attendance and lateness, and define how it affects them when it comes to learning. The program would also be showing how being on time and in school is crucial without the idea of punishment being involved. In other words, students will not receive a penalty for not being on time or being absent. However, the students that do show up on time and have great attendance will be rewarded for doing so. In terms of the interruption being late causes for the teachers and the students in the classroom this should decrease as well once the students start to apply all the things they learn through this program. The program Attend Today, Achieve Tomorrow would simply provide both the students and parents of PS40Q with knowledge on the effects lateness and attendance has on students

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