Community Application Essay

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Personally, I believe, that accessing/being offered the resources, that I have prepared, will be a very emotional experience for all families. Hopefully, the resource will offer the family a sense of relief and knowledge that we are on the same team. However, it is very possibly, that a family will act very defensively. The reaction of the family, in my opinion, will depend a great deal on the parent(s)/guardian(s), systems and functional dynamic in place, and their relationship with myself and the school. In high school, I volunteered at the St. Ben’s Community Meal in Milwaukee; I ate meals with homeless and poverty stricken individuals. I remember being told by one of the homeless individuals that he does not utilize any shelter options, only meals and donations, because the shelters are not a safe place to be. Recalling this, it made me think, that when offering these resources to our families, we really need to do our research properly. By completing this research, we will better aid our families in their time of need, but also make them more willing and accepting of the resources being offered. …show more content…

The four subsystems that can be present in a family include marital, parental, sibling, and extended family. For example, for a family were both parent(s)/guardian(s) need to work outside of the home, I included after school programs. In this situation, these resources can help create positive marital, parental, and sibling aspects of the family system. More so, for a family that includes parent(s)/guardian(s) that do not have a college education, my college and career resources can help families explore payment options, educational facilities, and local scholarship options. In this situation, these resources can help create a positive parental aspect of the family

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