Communication: The Biblical Foundation For Interpersonal Communication

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the obstacle he is subject to face, however, Timothy is to behold to the truth even when under pressure of society. This biblical foundation of communicating in lines of preaching is of value today. It is a method used in season and out season in reverence to Jesus Christ. Small group from a biblical foundation communication consist of Jesus and His disciples. Jesus Christ taught and prepared the disciple on numerous occasion for the expectancy in the behaviors of the people from different culture. Jesus Christ taught the small group of disciple to prepare for persecution in the midst of their service to God. Nevertheless, the disciples were not to fear, because their work was for the Lord. The biblical foundation for interpersonal communication …show more content…

Not everyone is a believer, but an individual must be still communicated to as one of God’s child. It is a privilege to be one God’s children. The greatness privilege of being a child of God is a relationship. A relationship with God explains the mature or immature level of communication perceived to help in a person’s growth. So, the suggested theoretical component that aid basic communication is preferably preparation. Without preparation, other aids are relevant. Other aids include, visual, conciseness, and being able to relate. Other forms of basic communication consist of handout, demonstration or illustration, and lectures. These aids hold a foundations of shaping a philosophy of communication through activeness, written, and revelation. The aids help shape the thoughts and mindset of the creativeness of the speaker to connect with the audience. Preparation serves of value in relation with time, place, and power, to showcase the effects in communication with others. Time measure the length of attentiveness and how much information will obtained from the audience. Place is significance as well, because a place sets the comfort and seating arrangement of an audience. Power rest in the preparation involving visual aid, conciseness, and how the message relates to the audience. An audience or individual can express verbal and nonverbal communication at any given time, which can …show more content…

Maxwell. Maxwell states, that the author is a message. He states,” Whether or not you intend to be, a person is a message he or she communicate to others. An example, the author may have a message about believing God for the impossible. The message is not only addressing the audience’s faith in God, but it is about the author’s faith in God as well. The gospel of Matthew 19:26 states, “And looking at them, Jesus said to them, with people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” The relationship the author has with self, transfer the negative or positive thought about self to others. Maxwell mentions two steps to recognize in relating to others. The first step is self- assessment. This step allows the author to take time out and reflect, journal, and pray, according to Maxwell. The second step, according to Maxwell comes from liking or loving self and that comes from self-talk. Therefore, communicating begins with how the author communicates with self. The author’s communication with others conveys the author’s relationship with God. The author’s relationship with God has helped the author to endure and overcome test and trials of life. The author personality shine through in different modes of communication, because the author demonstrates perseverance and humbleness. The author’s personality thrives also, because of growth and holiness. The author personality has

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