Resilience Through Musical Adaptability: A Personal Journey

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Common Application Essay Throughout my life, I have faced many setbacks, challenges, and have failed more times than I can count. Though each one has impacted me in a different way, this one in particular, has had the greatest effect on me. While I have faced many problems, they have all helped me become the successful person I am today. Given many opportunities, I have been able to grow and progress. For several years now, I have been in a symphonic and marching band and every year I have been in band, I have played a different instrument. Learning each instrument has taken a lot of time and energy. Music is not easy to understand. Between learning to read the music or actually learning to play a specific instrument, it gives a person time to learn about themselves. …show more content…

My sophomore year, I was ready to learn more and conquer bigger things; this being the piccolo. Our band- being very small- only had room for one piccolo, so that was me. I had played flute for about 6 years until that point so I did have a general idea of how things worked, but it was still new and scary. I had to finally man-up and learn to have the confidence to trust my knowledge and play what I knew how to play. Within the first couple weeks, I was given a very difficult solo but little did I know, this would be the moment I learned to appreciate the opportunities given to me by my teacher. After receiving the music, I spent endless hours listening to the President’s own Military Band performing “The Chimes of Liberty” hoping that one day I would be able to play it as well as

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