Adversity: Personal Narrative Analysis

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In my 17 years on this earth one theme has been consistent, Adversity. Things always have been harder for me, from receiving acceptance to getting fair opportunities. Now this word “adversity” can make or break most people and can take them to a point of giving up on their dreams. However, for me, adversity has been my biggest motivator. It has made me mentally stronger and a greater competitor. I will never forget the turning point in my life where my perspective changed and altered the way I go about doing things.

During the end of my sophomore year, I was supposed to be the next starting quarterback on my high school’s football team. It seemed that my coach was promising me the world, he said, “All you have to do is work hard and the spot is yours”. I did exactly what he asked of me, showed up for every meeting and every workout. When we did volunteer events, I was one of the few who participated. I was so determined and committed to do the work necessary to get that starting spot. I felt the spot was mine until someone over six feet four inches transferred who played the same position with division one scholarships and hype to his name. My coach told me he was not even aware the kid was going to transfer and convinced me that it would be a fair competition. I later learned these statements were untrue. Nonetheless, even though my five feet ten inches may have seemed a disadvantage, I was confident in my skills and did not let the new transfer distract me from my goal. …show more content…

My parents were the only people who were always encouraging me to keep going and strive for what I want. It seemed everyone else doubted me and suggested that I should stop trying to get that quarterback position and play another position. However that only built up my mental toughness and strengthened my character. I was determined not to take the easy way

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