Commentary on the Lost Heritage by Heather Buck

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Commentary on the Lost Heritage by Heather Buck

The Lost Heritage by Heather Buck expresses the message that in

today's lifestyle, we have lost our touch with our past. The main

theme of the poem is the fact that the present's children are not

informed about their detailed past. We are blind to the importance and

significance of our heritage.

The opening phrase "Coreopsis, saffron, madder, daily we tread

kaleidoscopes of [color], on Persian rugs we set our feet" indicates

that we have a colorful and bright heritage but that daily we ignore

it and shun ourselves out from that. We "tread" on it as if it meant

nothing to us. It is clear that Heather Buck views our heritage as a

wondrous object as she describes it as a Persian carpet full of many

different bright and colorful aspects. Heather Buck then moves on to

say that we are "blind to the woven threads and dyes, the intricate

patterns that shape our lives". Through this phrase, Heather Buck

expresses that we in the present do not realize the complex nature of

our heritage, but despite our ignorance at our heritage, it still

continues to affect our lives. The finishing line "while our minds are

indelibly printed by one another" indicates that our ideas and values

are taken forth from the actions of the people around us and this

makes up for our lost heritage in our minds. We gather up new values

and ideals from the things that we see and we continue to sever our

connections to the past in that way. The word usage of "indelibly"

indicates that it is almost impossible to erase that mark which is

made by another person. This severely contrasts to the previous

thought that we have a...

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... that the little child was facing due to the fact that she had not been

taught her heritage.

The main point that Heather Buck is bringing forth by her poem The

Lost Heritage is the fact that without knowing their heritage,

children of today are confused and frightened. She conveys the fact

that we have severed our connection to our past and now are unable to

link it back. The poem is structured in the same way an essay is with

the author presenting her argument in the first stanza about the fact

that we are today blind to the intricacies of our heritage, then

supports her argument with the following three stanzas finishing off

with a concluding stanza. This format clearly indicates, as any essay

would, the situation, which is the fact that we have indeed lost all

touch with our past and this has led to dire results.

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