Commemorative Speech For Paul's Retirement

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Introduction Today we are here to celebrate Paul and his retirement from Bay Area Sports Therapy after 18 years of work. Throughout his time working here, Paul has been a constant positive influence not only on the patients in his care but his colleagues as well. He walked into work everyday with a smile on his face ready to take on the patients and make the best of every situation possible. I’ve watched him grow from a young kid just out of college, to a man who is ready to take on the world. Your time with this company has had a great influence on the dynamic of how we run business. Body Watching Paul grow into the man he has become was quite the journey, especially building himself up from a mere college graduate. I can recall him trembling in his seat while interviewing for the job, just anxiously awaiting for my next question and stuttering at the sound of his next response. However, I saw potential in him that I knew I couldn’t pass up. Soon after hiring him, Paul continually showed improvement and a strive for perfection. Each and every day he walked in with the mission to learn something new or improve his craft. This strive for perfection lead Connors to receive the Lucy Blair …show more content…

He was always promptly one of the first ones into work and greet you will a “top of the morning!” Paul created an atmosphere that made people comfortable and want to become great. Paul had inspired many coworkers to become a great employees and develop the work ethic that he established for himself. He would always strive to live by the Estee Lauder quote “I never dreamed about success, I worked for it.” This message soon encompassed our entire company and ultimately lead us to the pathway of success, becoming the number one sport rehabilitation center in Northern California.This passion he had for the business rubbed off to the patients that he dealt

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