Coming Of Age Interview Questions

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I decided to interview my older sister because she is at least one generation older than me and is the closest to me. She is 13 years older and me and grew up with things I didn’t have growing up and I wondered if life was just as easy now with the current technology. Even though it’s a 10 year difference between the times I was growing up and she was growing up, technology has change tremendously. She also is more aware of the technological changes when I was baby because she was much older and remembers experiencing those devices that were current at the time. The first question I asked in the interview was, “what technology you feel has had the biggest impact on society?” Her response: “The internet has had a revolution impact on the world. It has permitted huge amounts of information to be at our fingertips but has also contributed to the decline of critical thinking. In many ways it helps us stay more connect but for many it has replaced real life …show more content…

We had record player and an 8 track player when I was little. When I was older we graduated to cassettes, then CD’s. I was in college when mp3’s came out. Portable music options just started with the boom box, then the cassette and CD Walkman.” The fourth question asked was, “Has traveling been as easy as it is now with GPS?” Her response: “It wasn’t much more difficult as long as you knew how to read a map. I like that GPS can reroute within seconds but it’s a nice extra, not a necessity.” The last question asked in the interview was, “How would you feel if current technology never evolved or existed?” Her response: “You can’t miss what you never had so I would’ve been content. Now if the internet disappeared or we had to start paying to use the internet, I’ll cry rivers of tears, smartphones would probably be the one thing I would

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