College is hard

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Since it has ever began college has been hard to get into. There are people who could get into college but the prices are too high. The prices can reach 10’s of thousands of dollars and they can’t afford to get in.There are too many requirements for what you need from high school to get into college. Colleges look at the grades of the core classes students take and not their electives, the classes they wanted to take and what they will most likely study in college, if they could get in. So why should graduated students even try to get in if it is so hard to? It should be easy and affordable.
One of the first reasons we should look into for and why we should lower the costs of college because is for the betterment of our education in America. If school systems want people to do better later down in life they should have a cheaper college system. More people would be able to attend school. When graduates leave high school, they want to go to college some can can’t and that's because college is too expensive. People who want to keep college tuition high would say that changing the tuition cost to a lower price would only benefit people already in college but it would benefit both parties because the kids that meet the requirements but didn't have the funds before would be able to afford or get a lot closer to affording college.
If colleges would lower their requirements from they have them at right now then students in high school would not have to go to some of these low end colleges that accept anyone and would be able to get a better education. This would give the student looking for a school a lot more options when comes to looking for a college to go to. The opposing side might say that lowering their requirements and accepti...

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...aduated students even try to get in if it is so hard to? It should be easy and affordable.

Works Cited
Grasgreen, Allie. "Survey: Americans Say College Is Important but Want Cheaper, More Flexible Programs | Inside Higher Ed." Americans Say College Is Important but Want Cheaper, More Flexible Programs | Inside Higher Ed. N.p., 6 Feb. 2013. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

"Wondering How the Amount of Your Federal Student Aid Is Determined?" How Aid Is Calculated. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

Staff, Peterson. "College Admission Requirements and Your GPA." Peterson's. N.p., 29 Jan. 2013. Web. 28 Jan. 2014.

"The Cost and Financial Value of College: Experts Say Evidence Shows the Payoff from College Education Remains High." The Cost and Financial Value of College: Experts Say Evidence Shows the Payoff from College Education Remains High. N.p., 11 Feb. 2011. Web. 31 Jan. 2014.

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