College Essay On Nicknames

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Nicknames. We all tend to pick them up somewhere along the line. Some of us were given them on purpose, by our parents. For example, my sister was named Alyssa for the sole purpose of having the nickname Allie. For the rest of us, we have somehow found ourselves with nicknames our parents never intended for us to have. Over my own sixteen years, I have found myself with numerous of nicknames. Some are more obvious, because they have the tendency with just going with my name, such as Care-Bear, Care or Carol. Others have complex backstories that I would need a whole other essay to talk about. I can confidentially say that no one outside my sibling’s and our old neighbor’s know that I am nor why I have been referred to as “Spider Monkey” in our tight knit group since I was seven years old. Yet, in the recent years, a new one has arose, strangely to say the least. Upon the start of my high school …show more content…

That having the nickname of a man sounds incredible, and that there are no downsides to it, whatsoever. But alas, there are some. I tend stumble upon these negative outcomes of having this nickname outside school. I have learned the hard way that having a nickname that is typically given to a boy, is weird, and can cause either confusion, or amusement to outsiders. For example, upon meeting my prom date for the very first time, my friend who happened to be there, could not stop calling me “Carl” out of habit. I really didn’t really think much of it, until he asked me if he had to call me “Carl” as well. Having the nickname of a boy, can also cause your family to mock you a little bit. Nothing can compare to the horror one gets upon arriving to an Easter lunch with the fam, only to be greeted by a chorus of “Carl!” from numerous aunts, uncles, cousins, and other random people who just are always “there”, only to be followed with the most uncomfortable conversation with a very confused grandmother who had just learned about Caitlyn

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