College Admissions Essay: My Goals In Life

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Throughout my experiences in life and with others, I have learned that I have an affinity for helping others. No matter what his or her affliction or situation, I believed from an early age that no person should ever have to face adversity alone. Due to my beliefs, I always make myself a promise before enter into an activity or another organization: I will make a difference in someone’s life. As strong as my passion is for my own success, my commitment to my fellow man often takes a high priority with me. As I do not foresee a change in this virtue, I have come to the realization that my greatest lifetime goal is to make life easier for those who cannot change their circumstances. To this point in my life, I have only had the opportunity to …show more content…

The answer I have surmised is that there is no clear path to follow in relation to my aspirations, vocational or educational. I, for this reason, have decided to pursue the greatest amount of community involvement as is possible through my high school. In addition to community service, I have also made it a priority to push myself mentally, grow my leadership skills, and above all, to create a stable base to grow my education. Beginning in my freshman year in high school, I have been participating in community-immersive organizations and clubs. I began with joining my local chapters of Students Against Destructive Decisions, and Rotary Interact Club. These organizations alone allowed myself the opportunity to serve the less fortunate through events such as canned food drives and community awareness programs. As impactful these activities (through their sponsoring clubs) are to the community, I feel that the club that allowed me to assist the community the greatest was my high school’s student council. Student council at my high school has facilitated my desire to help others. I have proudly partook in several food drives, holiday gift-wraps, community programs, and several other community service programs and activities. Combined, the aforementioned organizations have helped my serve others in a multitude of different ways. In addition to service however, leadership has also been a trait I have sought to grow throughout my high school

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