College Admissions Essay: I Shall Break Free

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I Shall Break Free

If words could say all they

mean then life would be easy.

I try to speak, but nothing ever

comes from my mouth. Mind full

of thoughts with no way to get

them out. Expressions come but

do not mean what they say. Each

try brings a blundering mess

of a jumble of words, no meaning

to anyone in what they say. Try

and speak only to be ignored

by empty space. Each thought whole

in my head, not even a fragment

in my mouth. No matter what I try,

my mind still flows free with no

way to express it. Night comes with

anticipation of a voice to come from

my head. Always try yet words still

do not come. Around conversation happens

like I dream of, yet I can still utter

nothing but silence. Break the

silence, with mindless speech no

meaning in either's voice. I search

deep for my being that brings

with it my mind, but I try to

no avail. If only my mind would work.

How can I make it? Too many

tries come up empty. More chances come

so I continue to search my soul for

the voice that I have long since

lost. Once I knew it, and could call

for and receive at any time. What was it

I did? I do not know, but it has been

scared too deep inside me. Must find, for

without it I am as good as a mute.

Still I talk, but with no meaning.

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