Colin Wilson's Definition Of A Person Who Is A Conformist?

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"The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain." Colin Wilson was a prominent philosopher and his quote has the view that sometimes you just have to let life take its course and there is nothing else you can do about it. I would agree with his views and I have witnessed how others handle certain situations. The one thing I had witnessed the most was that people tend to not try and fix something that has already taken place, I feel as humans we tend to try and forget what happens and learn to live with the situation. The definition of a conformist is a person who conforms to accepted behavior or established practices. My point being that not only do we experience it, but also in movies when a tragedy occurs the characaters of that movie have to learn how to cope with life. I have also …show more content…

I have moved more times then most people and in a way I feel that has helped me. I learned to just live with it and when that every 2 years was up I would always expect the "its time to move talk" I never tried to question or change anything in hopes that we weren't ever just gonna pack up and move once again. I learned to live with the fact that I wasn't going to stay in one place for the rest of my life and I learned to accept it. I feel that's what Wilson was trying to get at with his quote that lifes gonna throw you curve balls and that people are just going to have to deal with it there's no reason to mope about it it happened you can't change the fact that something happened you just learn to live with it. I compared to like a man losing his hand it happened you can't go back in time to prevent it from happening the damage is done and you just have to learn to live with the fact that you're hand was chopped

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