Cold Peace Essay

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In this example, the realism peace theories are applied to the West European cold peace after the Second World War. The transition of cold war in 1950s to cold peace was due to the emergence of realist mechanisms where the United States (US) pacifying role as the hegemon and the common threat produced from the Soviet Union to the US and Western Europe. The combined effects of hegemony and balance of power produced the cold peace between the key rivals France and West Germany after the World War Two in 1950-1954. The initial caused of conflict was due to a series of disagreements about the status of Germany (Steans,, 2005). During the cold war, France tried to control Germany and made the state powerless by drawing it into alliance. The states accepted each other’s existence through formal agreements and maintained diplomatic relations. The US and Soviet Union came forward to dictate the change in French policy and the involvement of US had influence the French-German relationship. Nevertheless, there were unresolved conflicts and high extent of mutual insecurity between the two states. At the same time, the Soviet Union took a precaution to ensure that Germany did not pose a threat.
In the 1950s, French insecurity feelings forced the state to strengthen its military and presumed Germany as their potential enemy. The state decided not to join the European Defence Community (EDC); where Britain and United States excluded, to stay away from its former archenemy. In other hand, the members of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO); particularly the hegemons US and Britain provided guarantees as the security providers to European in against potential German aggression. The guarantee triggered the French National Assembly to...

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...he international economic and political order. A study also suggest the liberal hegemon of US intention to use soft power to spread liberal ideas around the world would only give a negative impact on international stability rather than bringing peace it caused violence in certain states such as Iran, Iraq and North Korea (Jehangir, 2012). Other than that, the concept of nuclear peace had been criticised as it may causes the rise of terrorist organisation; thus, weaken the initial realist’s theory of conventional deterrence and nuclear peace. The introduction of nuclear weapons as promoting peace led to the emergence of terrorists groups and developed an unstable side in the post-cold war. This would result to aggressive state behaviour due to lack of trust and developed great suspicions between nuclear states and fear of high risk of accidental nuclear war.

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