Cognitive Therapy Vs Jungian Analysis

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Comparisons and Contrasts of Psychoanalysis, Jungian Analysis, and Cognitive Therapy
Psychoanalysis – Psychoanalysis is a method of psychotherapy that was founded by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Freud believed that people could be cured by making their unconscious thoughts conscious, allowing the therapist to gain insight. The goal of psychoanalysis therapy is to get rid of repressed emotional issues and experiences - making the unconscious conscious.
Jungian Analysis and Therapy – Jungian Analysis is a method of psychotherapy developed by C.G. Jung, (1875-1961). Jung is the psychotherapeutic approach of Analytical Psychology, where the patient and the doctor work together to bring the unconscious and the conscious together to be more balanced. …show more content…

But unlike Freud, Jung did not believe that dreams were sexual by nature or that they disguised their true meaning. Jung believed that dreams were more symbolic, that they could have many meanings.
Beck believed by identifying and evaluating automatic thoughts, patients were able to think more realistically, which made them feel better emotionally and they were able to function much better.

Freud’s Psychoanalysis consists basically helping a patient to associate freely.
Jung’s Jungian Analysis and Therapy consists of helping the patient build a relationship between the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind.
Beck’s Cognitive therapy helps the patient learn effective self-help tools that help you change the way you feel, think, and behave. It helps the patient gain independence so that they can deal with “real-life” problems.

In both Jungian Analysis and Psychoanalysis the therapist is like an investigator, probing the inner psyche. The goal of Psychoanalysis and Jungian Analysis is to bring behavioral patterns in the unconscious to the surface and to identify how they influence behavior.
Cognitive Therapy basically breaks issues down into thoughts, feelings, and actions and teaches the patient other effective ways to deal with

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