Coffee Brewing

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Top 10 Best Ways to Brew Coffee
Brewing of coffee is an art and an age-old practice. The way you brew solely depends on your taste. Here we are mentioning 10 different ways of brewing coffee.

1. French press: This is one of the most popular and less-expensive methods of coffee brewing for everyday use. All you need is put coarse grind coffee into the pitcher and bring water to boil. It takes almost 10 minutes from soaking to pouring a full flavor aromatic coffee into your cup.
2. Coffee Cone: This is the easiest and inexpensive way of coffee brewing. You can make a small amount of fresh flavorful brew in few minutes. It allows complete control over the quality and flavor of brewed coffee.
3. Aeropress: It …show more content…

Softbrew: It is new and easy to use the device. It is like a teapot along with a special stainless steel filter with several tiny holes. You have to fill the filter with ground coffee and hot water, wait for few minutes and serve it.
5. Vaccum Pot: This is one of the most dramatic ways of coffee making as you love the way it makes coffee. The process of brewing coffee is not simple as it requires lots of effort. If you make it right, it produces the tastiest coffee with full flavor and clean taste.
6. Chemex: Making best coffee in a Chemex is an art and you have to practice hard to master this art. The good thing is it makes fantastic coffee i.e. strong but not bitter with a nice smell and smooth taste. You can make 4 to 5 cups of coffee at one go.
7. Percolator: This is one of the oldest electric brewers that produce strong coffee but bitter in taste. It boils the brew multiple times that results in bitter coffee with lack of taste. If you are a coffee lover than percolator is not for you.
8. Cold brew: Cold brew is not an iced coffee but it has a different process of brewing coffee with the dripping of cold filtered water into grinds for a long time. The result is a smooth and tasty coffee with an authentic taste of real coffee beans. Cold brewed coffee is not acidic and it is good for upset stomach. You can store this coffee in your fridge for a long

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