Code Blue Reflection

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My older sister was diagnosed with Astrocytoma when I was 8 years old. Suddenly, my world consisted of frequent visits to St. Jude Research Hospital, 500 miles away from home. 8 years old; that is also how old I was when I knew exactly what I wanted to do with my life. I witnessed my first “Code Blue” that same year. The code blue created a small panic in the hospital; the physicians rushed a small, fragile girl past me and my huge curiosity led me to rush right after them. I stood next to the little girl’s mom while she was frantically crying. While we watched the physicians attempt to save her life, I observed the physicians control the situation, and commit into to do everything in their power to save the little girl. It was in that moment, that I knew I wanted to become a physician. …show more content…

It started small because of my age, but it grew into a great community of support for the patients and patient siblings. The unique aspect of the group was it was full of peers, and we could all relate to each other about the pain and fear. After some time, members of the hospital noticed our group and then they invested into a teen room; a place where the group can counsel each other in a more relaxed environment. In the teen room there was a computer with internet. In between my sister’s doctor’s appointments, MRIs, and radiation treatments, I would start researching about Astrocytoma. I would take down notes while her doctor’s explained her situation, and look up the conditions they would diagnose. For her next appointment, I would ask numerous questions about the biology behind various conditions. My interest in medicine only continued to

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