Cocaine Effect

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James enjoys partying and living the high life. He has tried smoking marijuana and LSD but never cocaine. James knows cocaine causes a high stimulant, damage you psychologically, and cause long term problems. First off, cocaine causes a high stimulant of confidence and the feeling of being able to accomplish and do anything. It causes you to feel invincible an immune to all things that is why a lot of people use it in parties. Cocaine basically causes a high dopamine and makes you feel good. Cocaine not only makes you feel invincible and make you do things you'll regret but it also causes psychological problems to you as a person. Cocaine gives such a high dopamine that the more the user used it the more the user will yearn for it. The cause of this psychological problem causes problems with family and destroys many relationships. Cocaine causes these things, it destroys the relationship you have with people. The users become so insane that they rely on the drug and it becomes its most important thing in life. They need it to pretty much live and it also causes financial problems when you're consistently purchasing it. …show more content…

Physically cocaine causes blood poisoning it can damage your blood and basically constricts it. It gives you nausea, faster heart beat, rise in temperature, and restlessness which makes you look pretty insane. Different form of long term damage can happen to you depending on the way you use the cocaine. If you snort it with the nose it can cause a loss sense of smell, nosebleeds, runny nose, and problems with swallowing. If you consume cocaine by the mouth it causes severe damage to the bowel decay from reduced blood flow. Injections is one of the most dangerous ways to take it because with it comes many diseases like HIV, hepatitis C, and bloodborne diseases. Cocaine also causes lack of hearing, hearing random things, causing you to sleep with random people, lack of movement and basically it makes you go kind of

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