Coach Yesutis: A Short Story

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Since Roy “played for Franklin,” Lincoln and Roy finally had something in common. He even played against Lincoln's new coach, Coach Yesutis. Roy then told him a story, about how in 1970, his teammate, Frankie Pineda, pushed Yesutis, who was stupid enough to push him back. Pineda then “busted” Yesutis’ face. Next, a random person came down from the bleachers to smack the him. Now Yesutis starts to cry, and I don’t blame him because those pushes and slaps must of really hurt! I wonder why Pineda pushed him in the first place. Maybe he just used to “little” fights like this that he doesn’t have to feel sympathetic for, since he is from Franklin. He must also not realize that everyone doesn't grow up the same way he did.

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