Clinical Leadership In Health Care

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Leadership in the health care is an essential part of the system and has become more complex and fast-paced accompanied by many innovations society offers. Effective clinical leadership is vital to optimize delivery of health care. It is important that health care worker has full understanding of the work environment, which can lead to recognition of full capacity in dealing with the healthcare team and setting, management, patients and family in particular and prevent patient’s problem. Ulrich (2015) states that the base of all other health care is patient safety and therefore, it is the responsibility of the health professional to provide optimum level of care and safety towards patients. This paper will discuss on the importance of patient …show more content…

This is also strongly supported by Riesenberg, Leitzsch, Cunninghamet (as cited in Drach-Zahavy & Shilman, 2015) that patient participation is vital for patient’s safe and quality care. Hence, patients’ active engagement in their personal care results to improved health condition, better treatment results and better satisfaction towards their own health. Few areas are focused on patient engagement; patient empowerment to ensure safe care, emphasis that patient’s involvement is a means of improving safety culture, and patient encouragement on detecting adverse events. World Health Organisation Patients for Patient Safety (WHO PFPS) team, Geneva in collaboration with PFPS Canada and CPSI hosted a webinar, entitled, “Does patient engagement in patient safety and quality committees advance safe care or is it a myth?” (as cited in WHO Newsletter, 2015) concluded that patients are essential actors to redirect the implementation of policies. This can be achieved by knowing where to start in patient engagement by increasing health care workers awareness on patient safety. Followed by facilitation of patient participation, patient invitation/inclusion, open door policy for patients, asking patients feedback and health literacy and finally, implementation or action on the data …show more content…

2013). Daly et al. (2015) explained that genuine concern, open and honest communication, empathy, interest in the patient and active listening contributes to healthy working environments. Effective communication skills accompanied by team integrity in achieving set of goals have linked with good leadership (Ellis et al. 2013). Panesar, S., Carson-Stevens, A., Salvilla, S., Aziz, S., (2014) states that team communication is not only the transmission of information but also about the social process of receiving the information which is also essential in achieving reliable organisations which promotes values of openness and delivery of safer

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